Ukes in the Park 2019 - Jens Jensen Park, Highland Park, IL

Aloha City's first ever Ukes In The Park event was a huge success. Thanks to all of the amazing performers that kept us entertained all day. We had 10 different acts throughout the day and each one was uniquely great and showcased the versatility of the uke. Of course we then had the man, Jake Shimabukuro show us all why he is the most influential ukulele player on the planet. Thanks to Lotar for making everyone sound great and Johnny V for keeping everything moving along. Thanks to Arnie for capturing all of it in photographs and thanks to everyone for all of the videos. Thanks to Ed from the Farmers Market for providing snacks and refreshments. Much Aloha to Everyone !!

(Click the performers photo to get more information about their upcoming performances.)


Jake Shimabukuro Surprise Performance at Ukes in the Park

Enjoying Ukes in the Park
